Little Kiwi and Bauhaus

Little Kiwi and Bauhaus
A Boy and His Dog

Monday 29 March 2010

Ricky Martin Comes Out

Well, it's as similarly un-shocking as Clay Aiken and Lance Bass, but at least this one *did* have legions of fans (male and female, gay and straight) who might have harboured sexual fantasies. (yes,...even straight male fans, or lesbian fans...never underestimate the powers of latin hips!)

But I'm proud of him. Go, Ricky! While he may not have the fire of a younger fella like Adam Lambert (with his shiny glorious disco balls of brass), I too have to tip my hat to the slower (albeit necessary...) process of those who "Come Out on the sly..."; those who aren't Out right away, and come out later, once the trap of idolization and fandom has been set.

So, thanks Ricky! Hope to see you being an advocate, now :-)

Little Kiwi

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Little Kiwi Loves Bauhaus

Little Kiwi Loves Bauhaus
Good Dog!